I know, right now you're thinking - Wow! That's a huge bowl of purple cake balls right there. What could they possibly be for? Is she going to eat them all herself?
Well, I wish I could eat them all myself, but these are actually my second batch of Cake Balls for the Cure! This time, I'm participating in my school district's Relay for Life tomorrow night. It's sponsored by the American Canc
er Society and all of the money raised goes toward cancer research, etc... The team from my school has raised over $5,000 so far (AMAZING!), but there's always room for more, so I'm bringing these tasty treats to sell at the Relay tomorrow. Makes you wish you were on my team, doesn't it?!
P.S. If you'd like to make a donation,
here's my link. I know we've all had experience with cancer, and this is a great way to make a difference and fight back! Thanks!!
P.P.S. Stay tuned for the chocolate Cake Balls for the Cure!