Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baking Presents & A Resolution

Since it's the new year, I (along with every other blogger out there) am resolving to be a better blogger. That it, to be better about blogging, and do it more often.

Lucky for me, I got lots of Christmas presents to help me accomplish my goal.

An awesome scraper attachment for my mixer

A new liquid measuring cup

Super cute rolling pin from anthropologie

Egg crate from anthropologie (don't the eggs look cute in it?)

Two different cupcake corers (for filling cupcakes)

My other baking resolution is to bake bread using my Grandmommy's recipe. She used to bake homemade bread a lot, and I've never made it, so I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know how it turns out...

Happy New Year!


Aimee said...

The eggs DO look really cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Does your Rolling pin give you problems? I just got one and I can't tell if its just mine or maybe they are all like that.